The Let's Play Archive

Railroad Ink

by That Italian Guy

Part 9: Comms from City Hall leaked, again

A reminder from City Hall

This is a reminder that, depending on your timezone, Monday may be the last day to submit your drawings to City Hall!

Best Regards,
Carl the Temp.

Leaked comms from City Hall, 12-08-20


Greetings from City Hall!

A defamating piece of media may have come to your attention in the last few days, over the so called "You Tube". Our expert in everything young, Carl, assures us that this is a clear attempt at destroying everything good we have been building - surely the culprits are from That City over there. You know the one.

Anyhow, these are the Routes for this week, straight out of the press!

This infrastructure renovation is totally worth the money we are paying, if you ask us.

Best Regards,
City Hall